
Junín, Buenos Aires
República Argentina
Phone: 54 9 2364 588826

Location & Access

Located 10km from the city of Junín and 260km from the city of Buenos Aires, you can reach the Estancia by car or bus. For further information please contact us.

By car from Buenos Aires:
Take Acceso Oeste and then RN7, once you have reached Junín, take Av. Circunvalación to the right. Continue down this avenue 7 km until you reach Av. Arias, before crossing the brigde (underneath it passes the train). Turn right to take the dirt road, pass the school, and turn left crossing the train tracks, be sure to look the train is not coming. Turn right and follow the road for 8km until the entrance of the Estancia, to your right, crossing the train tracks once more. The dirt road is parallel to the train tracks. At the entrance you will see a reailroad cross. To your left a little further on, there is a tree access to Estancia San Carlos. If you got there, you passed the entrance.